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Rock Hill, SC - 65,000 Square Feet - Stadium - Temporary Curtain Walls, FleX-Walls©

We just completed an outstanding project, and the client is very happy with the work we did. Our job was to install our Global Wrap 12 mil fire retardant Temporary Curtain Walls to the Rock Hill Development project. The project encompassed a total of 65,000 square feet.

The client needed us because the permanent curtain walls installation was delayed, and they wanted to stop water from going inside the building. The biggest challenge was meeting the strict deadline and dealing with inclement weather. We mobilized our crew to work for 20 working days and we had to strategically finish specific sections of the project one at a time to deal with the

weather. We ended up completing the project before the deadline and to the customer's satisfaction.

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Temporary Exterior Walls - Shrink Wrap Building  | Shrink Wrap Contractor | Shrink Wrap Companies
Temporary Curtain Walls

Temporary Exterior Walls - Shrink Wrap Building  | Shrink Wrap Contractor | Shrink Wrap Companies
Global Wrap is drum tight and fire retardant

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Temporary Exterior Walls | Shrink Wrap Contractor | Shrink Wrap Companies
We Shrink Wrap Buildings


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